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3rd Data Science for Smart Manufacturing and Healthcare Workshop

3rd DS2-MH Workshop at SDM25 on May 1 2025 at Alexandria Virginia

Full Contact Information of Organizers

Workshop Description

In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), with the rapid development of advanced sensing, data storage, data analytics, and high-performance computing technologies, both manufacturing industries and healthcare systems are experiencing a data‑driven revolution. However, the unique characteristics of manufacturing and healthcare systems prevent the direct application of existing data-driven methods. Their characteristics include (1) systematic physical principles, (2) high demand for interpretability, robustness, and trustworthiness, and (3) limited computation resources and the need for instant decision-making. These characteristics raised pressing needs to develop domain-aware data-driven approaches for critical tasks in manufacturing and healthcare systems, such as smart diagnosis, automatic control, design optimization, customized analytics, etc.

This workshop aims to demonstrate the recent progress of data science research, which focuses on addressing the unique challenges in manufacturing and healthcare systems, such as the gaps in data quality/security assurance, domain-aware data analytics, improvement of trustworthiness, etc. We cordially invite submissions that focus on recent advances in research/development of data science, which are motivated by real-world problems in manufacturing and healthcare. Papers and/or posters focus on both theoretical foundations and applications are welcomed from the areas including but not limited to:

Topics of Interest



Description of the Workshop:

This workshop is expected to be a full-day event with two half-day sessions, split by a lunch break. The format of this workshop will include invited keynote presentations and accepted presentations from submitted papers. The tentative workshop agenda is shown as follows.

Tentative Workshop Agenda

Morning Session
Lunch Break
Afternoon Session

*The schedule may be subject to change according to the SDM conference schedule.

Description of Target Audience

This workshop is expected to invite leading researchers in the domain of data mining, machine learning, advanced manufacturing, and healthcare systems. The target audience will be program officers from funding agencies, industries, researchers who are interested in data science and its applications, and undergraduate/graduate students in the general engineering discipline who plan to pursue a career related to data science. The list of tentative participants is given as follows.

Important Dates

Biography of the organizers:

Previous workshop

For questions regarding this workshop, please contact us at: